Thursday, January 20, 2011

Bubble Gum (Yummy)

I really should wait to do this post, however I have no will power when it
comes to this one! I've already expressed my love for all things connected
to lighting, ie lamps, chandys, lanterns and so on. Here's a find from last
year. It was in my storage area (on back porch) for months while I looked
for a mate. I thought I might take down the ceiling fans in my kitchen (can
you say yuck) and replace with the chandy. One day while working on
another project with Sugamama (grand daughter) along side me, she spied
the chandy. She asked "Granny is that my princess light"?

Sugamama is 2 yrs old, turning 3 in Feb. After chatting with her you'd
swear she was older, no kidding, it's like she has been here before. The
thing about Sugamama is that, anything she spots in my home that she
likes, automatically becomes something for her! "Granny you bought that
for me" or "Look what Granny got me"! Anyway on this particular day
she began to tell me how that (chandy) is for princesses and that she
was a Princess. I guess the ceiling fans will be up a little longer.

Well The Princess's Light has been hung. I said I should wait before posting
because it has been tweaked since the picture. I haven't had the time to go
back and get another picture. The shades and ceiling medallion aren't included
in this picture. The color is Bubble Gum by Krylon.

Chandy Before
Princess's Light After

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