Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Kitchen Step Stool

While at an Estate Sale I came across something pushed back in a corner, oh
boy was it ugly! I asked how much they wanted for it and was told a buck. I
thought why not, if I can't redo it, it's only a buck I lose. You should have seen
the looks I got as I passed others to carry it to the cashier. Those that attended
the sale with me asked if I had lost my mind! Maybe but who wants to be normal
anyway?! Different should have been my middle name.

Today was such a beautiful day so I thought I'd pull him out and scrub him
down with some soap & water using Brillo Pads. I ran to Joann's to pick out
some fabric, I went straight to the clearance isle and found a nice pattern full
of bright colors. Here's a peek at the ugly before. In a day or two he'll be all
decked out and very useful.....

Oh and I almost forgot to tell you that because it was late into the day, everything
was marked half off, that's right I got him for a mere fifty cents!! Fabric was $3 and
I'm going to use paint and primer that I already have, so less than $5 when it's all
said and done!!!


  1. Can't wait to see the after pictures!

  2. Me either good luck with this project!

  3. I can't wait myself! The gentlemen that sold it were in their 60s & 70s, they said they could remember being tots sitting on it while their mother prepared the family meal!

  4. happy step stool facelift! i did mine in oilcloth...which was a bit awkward over the back but worked out great...I have kids so I need durability. Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day.

  5. Nicole I'm done, thought I'd make sure paint was cured before I put it back together. I know what you mean I have grands so I went old school in my solution for spills & sticky fingers, lol.

  6. I like your chair! You really brought it back to life!

  7. Really the kitchen step stools are beautiful to watch.Thank you.....
