Thursday, October 6, 2011


After having been ill for awhile, then having to plan a wedding for my baby girl,
I decided to take a much need vacation. I spent 2 wks in Syracuse, then 10 days
in Vegas and from there I headed to Dallas for a week.

You guys already know I hit a few thrift stores. I didn't find a lot of things that ex-
cited me but I came away with a few trinkets which I'll post later.

Normally I collect coffee cups & magnets when traveling but since I already had
both from prior trip to the state of NY I had to come up with something else. While
shopping in Big Lots I came across some placemats that caught my eye, so I bought
a couple of them to make pillows. Afterward I thought it was even better than a cup
or magnet cause every time I make my bed I'll be reminded of the time I spent in
 It had been my plan to use the solid mat as a backing but once I got stated I realized
I didn't need to.

 Once I ripped the seam I couldn't believe what I found inside. Ewww! Can you see
it? I'm not sure what kind of bug it was, thankfully it was dead...Scared of bugs y'all.
 I took an old pillow that was in storage (something I got from my Mom many years
ago) How many of you go shopping at your Mom's house? Now that my own kids
do it I play dumb about my own past when I yell at them about "I can't have anything
w/o one of you coming in wanting it" I don't mean it for real but I can't make it easy
on them :) So I took the stuffing out the old pillow and put it into the new one. 

 I love it!

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