Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My Favorite Yard Sale Find Of 2010

I know Christmas is over and it's long overdue! Taking down my trees,
I admit I was being lazy. While I'm at it this morning, why not
show you my best yard sale find?  9ft tall with over 1000
limbs. Are you ready? A whopping $1. Granted it had no stand but it was
still a deal. I found a stand at the Flea Market for $5, a total of $6! Not bad,


  1. Sherryd, you have a great blog full of thrifty makeovers! A girl after my own heart! :) Thanks so much for your kind comment on my blog and now I'm your newest following so I can admire your fun finds and projects!!

  2. Thanks for stopping by and becoming a follower Kindra.
